"Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics - Introduction, Examples and Commentary" This document (Jan 20, 2008), stored in the file usingR.pdf, has been updated, and a number of corrections made. Updates have not done much to take account of newer R features and packages; note however the additional examples of the use of functions in the lattice package. There is limited overlap my book with John Braun: "Data Analysis and Graphics Using R - An Example-Based Approach", 2nd edition, published by Cambridge University Press in 2003. By contrast with "Using R ...", the book aims to give areasonably complete explanation of the steps of the various analyses! ("Using R ..." has 96 pages, whereas the book has xxiv+502 pages, plus plates!) Most of the datasets are alternatively available from the DAAG package, designed to accompany the DAAGUR book. Exceptions are: dolphins, florida and huron. DAAG's version of the hills dataset has times in hours rather than minutes. Datasets not in the DAAG or another R package can be found in the subdirectory individual-dsets of the dsets directory. Attach the relevant file [use attach()], or load it into an R session. Output that is included in "Using R ..." may not always agree with that given by version 2.6.1 of R. Much of the output came from an earlier version of R, and has not been updated. John Maindonald http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~johnm January 20 2008.