Contact Information Some publications Biographical Information |
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Key responsibilities
Visiting Fellow, Program in Advanced Computation
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (CMA),
Mathematical Sciences Institute.
Work Address |
Home Address |
Mathematical Sciences Institute |
1 Weld Street |
Australian National University |
Yarralumla |
Canberra |
A.C.T. 2600 |
A.C.T. 0200 |
Australia |
Electronic mail address
(work) Mike.Osborne {AT} anu.edu.au
(home) mikeandgloria{AT}gmail.com
MSI url
Office phone |
Home phone |
61-2-6125 3449 02-6125 3449 |
61-2-6281 1648 02- 6281 1648 |
Fax (CMA)
61-2- 6125 5549
02-6125 5549
Numerical linear algebra, and eigenvalue problems
Use of wrap-around partitioning to vectorize the solution of block bidiagonal matrices
Inverse iteration for the solution of eigenvalue problems
Parallel numerical libraries
V-invariant methods for generalised least squares problems
Solution of boundary value problems in ODE's
Collocation methods for the discretization of boundary value problems
Factorisation of operators, dichotomy, and the stability of computations
Cyclic reduction and its relation to representation theorems
Estimation of ODE's, variable selection, and the suitability of bases
Kalman filters, stochastic ODE's, and smoothing problems
ODE eigenvalue problems, stability, and bifurcation
Estimation and approximation
Fisher's method of scoring for maximising likelihoods
Scoring under constraints
Rank regression and l1 estimation
Robust methods
Methods of variable selection
Trust region methods
Polyhedral convex functions
Structure functional representation
Simplicial methods for minimization
Resolution of degeneracy
Problems with polyhedral constraints
Discrete simulation
Event oriented model descriptions
Object oriented programming implementation
Cyclic reduction, dichotomy, and the estimation of differential equations
A new approach to variable selection in least squares problems
Inverse iteration and deflation in the solution of generalised eigenvalue problems
An approach to parameter estimation and model selection in differential equations
When LP is not a good idea - using structure in polyhedral optimization problems
Separable least squares, variable projection, and the Gauss-Newton algorithm
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Effective vectorized solvers for narrow band systems by wrap-around partitioning
When LP is not a good idea - structure in polyhedral optimization problems
Parameter estimation and model selection in differential equations
V-invariant methods for generalised least squares, Kalman filter application
ODE estimation - statistical properties and numerical problems
Boundary value embedding in differential equation estimation
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Date of Birth: 26/12/1934
Married: Gloria Mary
Qualifications: B.A. (Melb.), Ph.D (Lond.), FAA.
Horticulture and conservation. |
Bushwalking, especially in the south east escarpment. |
Exploring remote Australia. |
accesses since Friday 6 February 2009