ISI Citation analysis (Jul 18, 2012)
2,753 citations, h-index=27

(full list of papers on arXiv)

** the material below is no longer kept up to date **

Research Areas/Selected Publications

Feature article "The Bethe Ansatz after 75 years" in the January 2007 issue of Physics Today [60 (2007) 36-40].

Book review of "Sacred Mathematics: The Art of Temple Geometry" in the September 2008 issue of Nature Physics.

Full publication list (9 page pdf file, not up to date)

Quantum spin ladders and chains:

[8] Quantum spin ladders (cond-mat/9907134, 9907480, 9911043, 9911074, 9912205, 0005165, 0302135, 0305196, 0305633, 0309244, 0309267, 0511725, 0512489)
[9] Properties of an integrable quantum spin-1 chain and comparison with experiment (cond-mat/0409310, 0409311)

80 page review article in Advances in Physics [56 (2007) 465-543].

Interacting bosons, fermions and anyons:

[10a] The interacting boson model (cond-mat/0312386, 0412645)
Interacting bosons in a hard wall box (0505550)
[10b] Integrable interacting fermions (0506264)
[10c] The integrable boson-fermion interacting gas (0506478)
[10d] Evidence for the super Tonks-Girardeau gas (0508009)
[10e] Multicomponent interacting bosons and fermions with hard walls (0511694)
[10f] Collective dispersion relations for the 1D two-component Bose and Fermi gases (0512486)
[11a] The 1D interacting anyon gas: low-energy properties and Haldane exclusion statistics (0603643)
[11b] Generalized exclusion statistics and degenerate signature of strongly interacting anyons (0606353)
[11c] Fermionization and fractional statistics in the strongly interacting 1D Bose gas (0608624)
[11d] Bethe Ansatz for 1D interacting anyons (0611450)
[12] Phase transitions and pairing signature in strongly attractive Fermi atomic gases (0702191)
[13] Ferromagnetic behaviour in the two-component Bose gas (0707.0613)
[14] Trions, pairing and phase transitions in one-dimensional strongly attractive three-component ultracold fermions (0709.1763)
[15] More on 1D anyons (0805.1770)
[16] Magnetic ordering and quantum statistical effects in strongly repulsive Fermi-Fermi and Bose-Fermi mixtures (0806.2499)
[17] QISM with anyonic grading (0807.3197)
[18] More on magnetism and quantum phase transitions in spin-1/2 attractive fermions (0903.27837)
[19] Pairing, trionic and quarteting states for 1D SU(4) attractive fermions (0904.2269)
[20] Thermodynamics and thermometry of spin-1/2 attractive fermions (0907.3198)
[21] Magnetism in spin-1 bosons (0909.2097)
[22] Realization of effective super Tonks-Girardeau gases via Fermi gases (0910.1652) (1009.5044)
[23] Universal Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid phases in 1D SU(N) fermionic cold atoms (0912.4568)
[24] Analytical thermodynamics of a strongly attractive three-component Fermi gas (1009.2283)
[25] Polylogs, thermodynamics and scaling functions of 1D quantum many-body systems (1010.4842)
[26] Thermodynamics of 1D multi-component interacting fermions (1011.0128)

[27] SLE and self-avoiding walks in a wedge (0709.2002)

[30] Variational corner transfer matrix approach to the scaling function of the 2D Ising model in a magnetic field (0811.3271) (1002.4234)

Some earlier work:

[1] O(n) loop models and self-avoiding random walks (e.g., cond-mat/9806130)
[2] Quantum spin chains (classification of integrable su(2)-invariant spin chains, cond-mat/9406072)
[3] Integrability at a boundary and/or surface critical behaviour
[4] Last on the dilute A_7 model and tricritical Ising (math-ph/0110021)
[5a] Growth and Pattern formation
[5b] Latest on stromatolites (nlin.PS/0401026, 0412062)
[6] The XXZ chain, O(1) loop model and combinatorics (cond-mat/0101385, math-ph/0110011, math-ph/0204002, cond-mat/0401245)
[7] Random walks with absorbing boundaries (math-ph/0204003, 0305023)