Parallel methods for least squares problems

216. L. T. Yang and R. P. Brent, Parallel MCGLS and ICGLS methods for least squares problems on distributed memory architectures, Proc. ISPA 2003 (Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, July 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2745, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 197-208. Revision in The Journal of Supercomputing, 29 (2004), 145-156.

Paper: LNCS version available from Springer Link.


In this paper, we describe a modified CGLS method (MCGLS) that improves parallel performance by assembling the results of a number of inner products and by overlapping communication with computation. We also propose an improved CGLS method (ICGLS) that halves the number of global synchronization points required for inner products.

For a longer abstract, see the paper.

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