Publications of Alan McIntosh
Refereed Articles | Lectures and Surveys | Submitted or in Preparation | Proceedings Edited | Alan's Home Page
Lectures and Surveys
- Review of "Spectral Properties of Noncommuting Operators" by Brian Jefferies, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 33 (2006), 280–281.
- Quadratic estimates and functional calculi of perturbed Dirac operators, Oberwolfach Reports 1 (2004), 1883–1969.
- with Dorina Mitrea and Marius Mitrea, Rellich type identities for one-sided monogenic functions in Lipschitz domains and applications, Proceedings of the Symposium on
Analytical and Numerical Methods in Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis
in Seiffen, Germany (1996), 135–143.
- Review of "Clifford Algebra and
Spinor-Valued Functions, a Function Theory for the Dirac Operator" by
R. Delanghe, F. Sommen and V. Soucek, Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society 32 (1995), 344–348.
- with D. Albrecht and X. T. Duong, Operator
theory and harmonic analysis, Workshop on Analysis and Geometry, 1995, Part III,
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications,
ANU, Canberra 34 (1996), 77–136.
- Clifford algebras, Fourier theory,
singular integrals, and harmonic functions on Lipschitz domains,
Chapter 1 in Clifford Algebras in Analysis and Related Topics, edited by John Ryan, CRC Press (1996), 33–87.
- The square root problem for elliptic operators, Functional Analytic
Methods for Partial Differential Equation, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1450,
Springer Verlag, Berlin (1990), 122–140.
- Clifford algebras and the double-layer
potential operator, Nonlinear
Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications, Vol 3, Proceedings of
the Spring School, Litomysl 1986, Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik 93,
Leipzig (1986), 69–76.
- When are singular integral operators
bounded?, Miniconference on Geometry and Partial Differential
Equations 1985, Proceedings of the
Centre for Mathematical Analysis 10 (1985), 141–149.