A class of optimal-order zero-finding methods using derivative evaluations

27. R. P. Brent, A class of optimal-order zero-finding methods using derivative evaluations, in Analytic Computational Complexity (edited by J. F. Traub), Academic Press, 1975, 59-73. MR 52#15938, 54#9073.

Paper: pdf (898K).


It is often necessary to find an approximation to a simple zero of a function f, using evaluations of f and f'. We consider some methods which are efficient if f' is easier to evaluate than f. Examples of such functions are given; they include functions defined by indefinite integrals, such as the error function erf(x).

The main result is that there exist methods which use one evaluation of f and n evaluations of f' per iteration, and (under suitable smoothness conditions) have order of convergence 2n. For example, there is a method of order four which uses only one evaluation of f and two of f' per iteration.


For a related paper, see Brent [26].

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