Solving triangular systems on a parallel computer
41. A. H. Sameh
and R. P. Brent,
Solving triangular systems on a parallel computer,
SIAM J. Numerical Analysis 14 (1977), 1101-1113.
MR 56#17026.
dvi (3K),
pdf (78K),
ps (28K).
pdf (831K).
We present alternative formulations of the algorithms of
Chen and Kuck
[IEEE Transactions on Computers C-24 (1975), 701-717]
for the parallel solution of triangular
systems of linear equations in O((log n)2)
steps. We consider both the dense and banded cases, and establish
bounds on the time and number of processors required.
We also give a detailed error analysis,
obtaining a backward error bound proportional to the square of
the condition number of the system (for details see the
ps or
version of the abstract).
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