A Global Maximum Likelihood Method
228. P. Wang, B. B. Zhou, M. Tarawneh, D. Chu, C. Wang, A. Zomaya and
R. P. Brent,
A global maximum likelihood super-quartet phylogeny method,
Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference
(APBC2007), Hong Kong, Jan. 2007, 111-120.
pdf (184K).
Extending the idea of our previous algorithm
[220, 227],
we developed a new sequential quartet-based phylogenetic tree construction
method. This new algorithm reconstructs the phylogenetic tree iteratively by
examining at each merge step every possible super-quartet which is formed by
four subtrees instead of the simple quartet in our previous algorithm.
Because our new algorithm evaluates super-quartet trees, each of which may
consist of more than four molecular sequences, it can effectively alleviate
a traditional, but important problem of quartet errors encountered in the
quartet-based methods. Experimental results show that our newly proposed
algorithm is capable of achieving very high accuracy and solid consistency
in reconstructing the phylogenetic trees on different sets of synthetic DNA
data under various evolution circumstances.
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