2. Herman J. J. te Riele, Tables of the first 15,000 zeros of the Riemann zeta function to 28 significant figures, and related quantities, reviewed in Mathematics of Computation 35 (1980), 1442. [pdf]
3. Jan van de Lune, Herman J. J. te Riele and D. T. Winter, Rigorous high speed separation of zeros of Riemann's zeta function, reviewed in Mathematics of Computation 42 (1984), 714. [pdf]
4. Thomas R. Nicely, Enumeration to 1014 of the twin primes and Brun's constant, reviewed in Mathematics of Computation 66 (1997), 924-925. [Relevant to the discovery of the Pentium bug.] [pdf]
5. Richard E. Crandall and Carl Pomerance, Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective, reviewed in SIAM Review 44 (2002), 484-485. [pdf]
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