ACSPRI Course: Using R for Regression -- Sept 29 - Oct 3 2014

In Preparation for the Course

Participants will be expected to bring their own laptops (PC or MacOS X or Linux), with a recent version of R (preferably R-3.1.0 or later) already installed.

The web page Course preparation has details of packages that should be installed. Included also is a link to instructions that may be helpful in setting up R under Windows, and links to further documents. Please contact the tutor in case of difficulty.

Intending participants with no previous experience of the R system, or with limited previous experience, should as a minimum do the exercises on the Course preparation web page. It will be helpful, also, to work through as much as possible of the tutorial notes that are available from:

Draft course schedule

Slides that Give an Overview of R

These give an overview of the R language Later slides describe some of R's statistical analysis abilities.


Web site for R (CRAN = Comprehensive R Archive Network)

John Maindonald's web site

email: john.maindonald AT
Last updated: June 17 2014.