Maths3346 -- Data Mining

In 2006 John Maindonald and Graham Williams shared responsibilty for this course.

Data mining gives a new twist on data deployment and analysis methodologies that have been developed over the past century or more. Recent developments have included: Classification is a major pre-occupation of data mining, with a more limited focus on regression with a continuous outcome variable. The aim is typically prediction rather than the more challenging task of interpretation of model parameters.

Students intending to take this course will it useful to come with some initial familiarity with the open-source R system. The R system is available without charge for downloading from the internet. It is a marvelous example of what can be achieved when specialists co-operative internationally, using the internet for communication.

Ian Ayres 2007."Super Crunchers. Why Thinking-By-Numbers is the New Way to be Smart". Bantam


Detailed syllabus and course description
Course materials for Math3346 in 2007
Suggestions for getting started on R
Data mining -- John Maindonald's talks and papers