Chapter 13: Regression on Principal Component or Discriminant Scores
Packages required: “DAAG”, “lattice”, “grid”, “MASS”, “randomForest”, “splines”

The script that follows is designed to be executed as it stands. It sets up
functions that create Ch 13 graphs, then runs those functions. If executed by
clicking on the RStudio “Compile Notebook …” command, it will be processed
through R Markdown, generating a document that includes code, output and
graphs generated by executing the functions. If some needed packages are
missing, warning messages will appear. See further:

g13.1 <- 
function (device = "") 
    oldpal <- palette(gray(c(0, 0.6)))
    if (device != "") 
        hardcopy(width = 2.75, height = 2.75, device = device)
    oldpar <- par(mar = par()$mar + c(-0.5, 0, -2, 0))
    require(DAAG) <- apply(socsupport[, 9:19], 1, function(x) !any([36] <- FALSE
    ss.pcp1 <- princomp(socsupport[, 9:19], cor = TRUE)$scores[, 
    plot(BDI[] ~ ss.pcp1, col = as.numeric(gender[]), 
        pch = as.numeric(gender[]), xlab = "First principal component", 
        ylab = "BDI")
    topleft <- par()$usr[c(1, 4)]
    legend(topleft[1], topleft[2], col = 1:2, pch = 1:2, legend = levels(gender), 
        cex = 0.7)
    if (device != "")

g13.2 <-
function (device = "") 
    if (device != "") 
        hardcopy(width = 5, height = 1.8, trellis = TRUE, color = TRUE, 
            device = device, pointsize = c(6, 3))
    dsetnames <- c("nsw-ctl", "nsw-trt", "psid3")
    colrs <- c("gray45", "gray45", "black")
    lty <- c("solid", "21", "solid")
    lwd <- c(1.5, 1.5, 1)
    trellis.par.set(axis.components = list(left = list(pad1 = 0.4), 
        bottom = list(pad1 = 0.5)))
    denplot <- function(yvar = "re75", offset = 100, ylim = c(0, 
        0.52), from = NULL, at = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), 
        labels = paste(at), bw = "nrd0", ylab = "Density", takelog = TRUE, 
        col.axis = "black") {
        nzre <- unlist(lapply(list(subset(nswdemo, trt == 0), 
            subset(nswdemo, trt == 1), psid3), function(x) {
            z <- x[, yvar]
            z[z > 0]
        num <- unlist(lapply(list(subset(nswdemo, trt == 0), 
            subset(nswdemo, trt == 1), psid3), function(x) {
            z <- x[, yvar]
            sum(z > 0)
        xy <- data.frame(nzre = nzre, fac = factor(rep(dsetnames, 
            num), levels = dsetnames))
        if (takelog) {
            y <- log(xy$nzre + offset)
            xlab <- paste("log(", yvar, "+", offset, ")", sep = "")
        else {
            y <- xy$nzre
            xlab <- yvar
        densityplot(~y, groups = fac, data = xy, bw = bw, from = from, 
            scales = list(y = list(at = at, labels = labels, 
                col = col.axis), tck = 0.25), plot.points = FALSE, 
            par.settings = simpleTheme(col = colrs, lty = lty, 
                lwd = lwd), ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab)
    print(denplot(), position = c(0.02, 0, 0.32, 0.985))
    print(denplot(ylab = "  ", yvar = "re78"), position = c(0.24, 
        0, 0.54, 0.985), newpage = FALSE)
    print(denplot(ylab = "  ", yvar = "age", takelog = FALSE, 
        ylim = c(0, 0.08), from = 16, at = c(0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 
            0.08), labels = c(".02", ".04", ".06", ".08")), position = c(0.46, 
        0, 0.76, 0.985), newpage = FALSE)
    print(denplot(ylab = "  ", yvar = "educ", takelog = FALSE, 
        ylim = c(0, 0.275), bw = 0.5, at = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)), 
        position = c(0.68, 0, 0.98, 0.985), newpage = FALSE)
    if(!require(grid))return("Package 'grid' must be installed.")    
    pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(1, "npc"), gp = gpar(cex = 0.65), 
        width = 0.5, height = unit(1.5, "lines"), just = c("centre", 
    draw.key(key = list(text = list(dsetnames), lines = list(lty = lty, 
        lwd = lwd, col = colrs), columns = 3, between = 1), draw = TRUE)
    if (device != "")

g13.3 <-
function (device = "", control = psid1, bw = TRUE, plotvalues="Density", ratio.number=TRUE) 
  overlapDensity <-
function (x0, x1, ratio = c(0.05, 20), ratio.number = FALSE, 
          plotvalues = c("Density", "Numbers"), gpnames = c("Control", "Treatment"), 
          cutoffs = c(lower = TRUE, upper = TRUE), bw = FALSE, 
          xlab = "Score", ylab = NULL, 
          col = 1:2, lty = 1:2, lwd = c(1, 1)) 
    if (is.null(plotvalues)) 
        plotvalues <- ""
    if (length(plotvalues) > 1) 
        plotvalues <- plotvalues[1]
    if (plotvalues %in% c("Numbers", "Density")) 
        plotit <- TRUE else plotit <- FALSE
    ran <- range(c(x0, x1))
    if (all(cutoffs)) {
        d0 <- density(x0, from = ran[1], to = ran[2])
        d1 <- density(x1, from = ran[1], to = ran[2])
    else if (cutoffs[1]) {
        d0 <- density(x0, from = ran[1])
        d1 <- density(x1, from = ran[1])
    else if (cutoffs[2]) {
        d0 <- density(x0, to = ran[2])
        d1 <- density(x1, to = ran[2])
    else {
        d0 <- density(x0)
        d1 <- density(x1)
    n0 <- length(x0)
    n1 <- length(x1)
    f0 <- d0$y
    f1 <- d1$y
    if (plotvalues %in% "Number") {
        pf0 <- d0$y * n0
        pf1 <- d1$y * n1
    else {
        pf0 <- d0$y
        pf1 <- d1$y
    if (plotit) {
        xlim <- range(c(d0$x, d1$x), na.rm = TRUE)
        if (plotvalues == "Number" & is.null(ylab)) 
            ylab <- "Density x total frequency"
        else if (plotvalues == "Density" & is.null(ylab)) 
            ylab <- "Density"
        ylim <- range(c(0, pf0, pf1))
        ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + 0.1 * diff(ylim)
        plot(d1$x, pf1, xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, xaxt = "n", 
            bty = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, 
            main = "", type = "n")
        box(bty = "L")
        lines(d0$x, pf0, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1])
        if (bw & lty[2] > 1) 
            lines(d1$x, pf1, col = col[2], lty = 1)
        lines(d1$x, f1, col = col[2], lty = lty[2], lwd = lwd[2])
        xpos <- par()$usr[2]
        ypos <- par()$usr[4]
        legend(xpos, ypos, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col, cex = 0.8, 
            legend = gpnames, bty = "n", xjust = 1)
    if (is.null(ratio)) 
    d0 <- density(x0, from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2])
    d1 <- density(x1, from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2])
    x01 <- d0$x
    f0 <- d0$y
    f1 <- d1$y
    if (ratio.number) {
        cf0 <- f0 * n0
        cf1 <- f1 * n1
    else {
        cf0 <- f0
        cf1 <- f1
    cf0[cf0 < 0] <- 0
    cf1[cf1 < 0] <- 0
    fmin <- pmin(cf0, cf1)
    fmax <- max(fmin)
    subs <- match(fmax, fmin)
    xmid <- x01[subs]
    flow <- ratio[1]
    fhi <- ratio[2]
    lochoose <- x01 < xmid & (cf0 <= flow * cf1 | cf1 <= cf0 * 
    if (any(lochoose)) 
        xlim[1] <- max(x01[lochoose])
    else xlim[1] <- min(x01)
    hichoose <- x01 > xmid & (cf0 >= fhi * cf1 | cf1 >= cf0 * 
    if (any(hichoose)) 
        xlim[2] <- min(x01[hichoose])
    else xlim[2] <- max(x01)
    if (plotit) {
        if(ratio.number)midlab <- "ratio: number" else midlab <- "ratio: p.d."
        axis(3, at = xlim, labels = paste(signif(xlim, 4)), mgp = c(3, 
            0.5, 0), col = "gray45", line = 1, cex.axis = 0.8)
        xlim3 <- c(xlim[1], mean(xlim), xlim[2])
        axis(3, at = xlim3, line = 1, labels = c(paste("1:", round(1/ratio[1]), 
            sep = ""), midlab, paste(round(ratio[2]), ":1", sep = "")), 
            mgp = c(-3, -1, 0), col = "gray", cex.axis = 0.7, 
            lty = 0)
    if (device != "") 
        hardcopy(width = 4, height = 2.4, device = device, trellis = FALSE, 
            pointsize = c(8, 5))
    oldpar <- par(mar = c(4.1, 3.6, 4.6, 1.1), mgp = c(2.25, 
        0.5, 0), mfrow = c(1, 2))
    if(!require(DAAG))return("Package 'DAAG' must be installed.")  
    if(!require(randomForest))return("Package 'randomForest' must be installed.")  
    nsw <- rbind(control, subset(nswdemo, trt == 1))
    trt <- nsw$trt
    nsw$trt <- factor(trt, labels = c("Control (psid1)", "Treatment"))
    nsw$fac74 <- factor(nsw$re74 > 0, exclude = NULL)
    levels(nsw$fac74) <- c("0", "gt0", "<NA>")
    nsw.rf <- randomForest(trt ~ ., data = nsw[, -c(7, 8, 10)], 
        sampsize = c(297, 297))
    if(!require(MASS))return("Package 'MASS' must be installed.") 
    if(!require(splines))return("Package 'splines' must be installed.")           
    nsw.lda <- lda(trt ~ ns(age, 2) + ns(educ, 2) + black + hisp + 
        fac74 + ns(log(re75 + 100), 3), CV = TRUE, prior = c(0.5, 
        0.5), data = nsw)
    logit <- function(p, offset = 0.001) log((p + offset)/(1 + 
        offset - p))
    pred.rf <- logit(predict(nsw.rf, type = "prob")[, 2])
    xlim <- overlapDensity(pred.rf[trt == 0], pred.rf[trt == 
        1], ratio = c(1/20, 50), col = c("black", "gray45"), 
        lty = c(2, 1), lwd = c(1, 2), ratio.number = ratio.number, 
        plotvalues = plotvalues)
    print("rf cutoff at -1.5")
    print(table(nsw$trt, pred.rf > -1.5))
    mtext(side = 3, line = 3, adj = -0.05, "A: Scores from randomForest()")
    pred.lda <- logit(nsw.lda$posterior[, 2])
    xlim <- overlapDensity(pred.lda[trt == 0], pred.lda[trt == 
        1], ratio = c(1/20, 50), ylab = "", col = c("black", 
        "gray45"), lty = c(2, 1), lwd = c(1, 2), ratio.number = ratio.number, 
        plotvalues = plotvalues)
    print("lda cutoff at -4")
    print(table(nsw$trt, pred.lda > -4))
    mtext(side = 3, line = 3, adj = -0.05, "B: Scores from lda()")
    if (device != "")

g13.4 <-
function (device = "", hat = pred.rf, bw = TRUE, offset = 30) 
    if(!require(splines))return("Package 'splines' must be installed.")   
    if (device != "") 
        hardcopy(width = 5.25, height = 5, device = device, trellis = TRUE, 
            pointsize = c(8, 4))
    if(!require(DAAG))return("Package 'DAAG' must be installed.") 
    if(!require(randomForest))return("Package 'randomForest' must be installed.")      
    nsw <- rbind(psid1, subset(nswdemo, trt == 1))
    nsw$fac74 <- factor(nsw$re74 > 0, exclude = NULL)
    levels(nsw$fac74) <- c("0", "gt0", "<NA>")
    nsw.rf <- randomForest(as.factor(trt) ~ ., data = nsw[, -c(7:8, 
        10)], sampsize = c(297, 297))
    logit <- function(p, offset = 0.001) log((p + offset)/(1 + 
        offset - p))
    trt <- nsw$trt
    lprob.rf <- logit(predict(nsw.rf, type = "prob")[, 2])
    nsw.lda <- lda(trt ~ ns(age, 2) + ns(educ, 2) + black + hisp + 
        fac74 + ns(log(re75 + 100), 2), prior = c(0.5, 0.5), 
        data = nsw)
    lprob.lda <- logit(predict(nsw.lda)$posterior[, 2])
    print(table(nsw$trt[lprob.lda > -4]))
    nswa <- nsw[lprob.rf > -1.5, ]
    nswb <- nsw[lprob.lda > -4, ]
    nswa.rf <- randomForest(as.factor(trt) ~ ., data = nswa[, 
        -c(7:8, 10)])
    lproba.rf <- logit(predict(nswa.rf, type = "prob")[, 2])
    nswb.lda <- lda(trt ~ ns(age, 2) + ns(educ, 2) + black + 
        hisp + fac74 + ns(log(re75 + 100), 3), prior = c(0.5, 
        0.5), data = nswb)
    lprobb.lda <- logit(predict(nswb.lda)$posterior[, 2])
    gph.key <- list(space = "top", columns = 2, points = list(col = c("black", 
        "gray"), pch = c(1, 3), cex = 0.3), lines = list(lty = c("21", 
        "solid"), lwd = c(1.5, 1.5), col = c("black", "gray")), 
        text = list(c("psid1 controls", "experimental treatment")), 
        padding.text = 1)
    gph0 <- xyplot(1 ~ 1, panel = function(x, y, ...) {
    }, xlab = "", ylab = "", scales = list(draw = F), key = gph.key, 
        par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")))
    gph1 <- xyplot(age + educ + log(re75 + offset) ~ lproba.rf, 
        groups = trt, layout = c(3, 1), data = nswa, type = c("p", 
            "smooth"), span = 0.4, aspect = 1, par.settings = simpleTheme(lwd = c(1.5, 
            1.5), col = c("black", "gray"), alpha.points = c(0.5, 
            1), pch = c(1, 3), cex = 0.3, lty = c("21", "solid")), 
        scales = list(y = list(relation = "free"), tck = 0.5), 
        xlab = "", par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.9), main = textGrob("A: Random forest scores (filtered data)", 
            x = unit(0.075, "npc"), y = unit(0.25, "npc"), just = "left", 
            gp = gpar(cex = 1)))
    gph2 <- xyplot(age + educ + log(re75 + offset) ~ lprobb.lda, 
        groups = trt, layout = c(3, 1), data = nswb, type = c("p", 
            "smooth"), span = 0.4, aspect = 1, par.settings = simpleTheme(lwd = c(1.5, 
            1.5), col = c("black", "gray"), pch = c(1, 3), cex = 0.3, 
            alpha.points = c(0.5, 1), lty = c("21", "solid")), 
        scales = list(y = list(relation = "free"), tck = 0.5), 
        xlab = "Score", par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.9), main = textGrob("B: Linear discriminant analysis scores (filtered data)", 
            x = unit(0.075, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), just = "left", 
            gp = gpar(cex = 1)))
    print(gph0, position = c(0, 0.475, 1, 1))
    print(gph1, position = c(0, 0.45, 1, 0.925), newpage = FALSE)
    print(gph2, position = c(0, 0, 1, 0.475), newpage = FALSE)
    if (device != "")

g13.5 <-
function (device = "", bw = TRUE) 
  logit <- function(p, offset=0.001)log((p+offset)/(1+offset-p)) 
    if(!require(splines))return("Package 'splines' must be installed.") 
    if(!require(lattice))return("Package 'lattice' must be installed.")     
    if (device != "") 
        hardcopy(width = 5.5, height = 2.75, device = device, 
            trellis = TRUE, pointsize = c(8, 4))
    if(!require(DAAG))return("Package 'DAAG' must be installed.") 
    if(!require(randomForest))return("Package 'randomForest' must be installed.")     
    nsw <- rbind(psid1, subset(nswdemo, trt == 1))
    nsw$trt <- factor(nsw$trt, labels = c("Control (psid1)", 
        "Treated (experimental)"))
    nsw$fac74 <- factor(nsw$re74 > 0, exclude = NULL)
    levels(nsw$fac74) <- c("0", "gt0", "<NA>")
    nsw.rf <- randomForest(trt ~ ., data = nsw[, -c(7:8, 10)], 
        sampsize = c(297, 297))
    lprob.rf <- logit(predict(nsw.rf, type = "prob")[, 2])
    nswa <- nsw[lprob.rf > -1.5, ]
    nswa.rf <- randomForest(trt ~ ., data = nswa[, -c(7:8, 10)], 
        proximity = TRUE)
    lproba.rf <- predict(nswa.rf, type = "prob")[, 2]
    dmat <- 1 - nswa.rf$proximity
    dmat[dmat == 0] <- 0.001
    pts <- cmdscale(dmat)
    rf.mds <- isoMDS(dmat, pts)
    isoScores <- rf.mds$points
    cutpts <- c(0, round(quantile(lproba.rf, c(1/3, 2/3)), 2), 
    cutp <- cut(lproba.rf, breaks = cutpts, include.lowest = TRUE)
    gph1 <- xyplot(isoScores[, 2] ~ isoScores[, 1] | cutp, groups = nswa$trt, 
        aspect = 1, scale = list(tck = 0.6), xlab = "Co-ordinate 1", 
        ylab = "Co-ordinate 2", auto.key = list(columns = 2), 
        par.settings = simpleTheme(col = c("black", "gray"), 
            pch = c(1, 3)))
    print(update(gph1, layout = c(3, 1)))
    if (device != "")
    invisible(list(cmd = pts, iso = rf.mds$points, trt = nswa$trt, 
        pred = lproba.rf))

pkgs <- c("DAAG", "lattice", "grid", "MASS", "randomForest", "splines")
z <- sapply(pkgs, require, character.only=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE)
## randomForest 4.6-10
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
  notAvail <- paste(names(z)[!z], collapse=", ")
  warning(paste("The following packages should be installed:", notAvail))


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## [1] "rf cutoff at -1.5"
##                   FALSE TRUE
##   Control (psid1)  2175  315
##   Treatment           8  289

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## [1] "lda cutoff at -4"
##                   FALSE TRUE
##   Control (psid1)  2161  329
##   Treatment          16  281
##   0   1 
## 340 272 
##   0   1 
## 315 289
## Warning: variables are collinear

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

## initial  value 51.466491 
## iter   5 value 30.996301
## iter  10 value 29.282968
## iter  15 value 27.753379
## iter  20 value 27.100097
## final  value 27.035117 
## converged
##        Length Class  Mode   
## points 1208   -none- numeric
## stress    1   -none- numeric
## cutp
##    [0,0.11] (0.11,0.83]    (0.83,1] 
##         202         201         201

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3