August 4 2006 The following were added: plotSampDist.RData plotSampDist.Rd simulateSampDist.RData simulateSampDist.Rd With respect to data sets, the following have still to be added or otherwise attended to: cottonworkers (cottonworkers.rda; cottonworkers.Rd) nsw74demo (this can be documented along with the other nsw dsets) nswdemo (this is not used in DAAGUR & is thus not essential) Replace bomsoi with the more complete version in bomsoi-2005.RData (data to Dec 2005. In DAAGUR2 bomsoi is assumed to be this data frame. Probably keep the current bomsoi as either bomsoi2001 or bomsoi.old) hills2000, consisting of the relevant rows of races2000, should be in DAAG July 11, 2006 New function Add errorsINx() Name change/updating issues: toupper.initial() should also be present as capstring(), as in DAAGUR2 Updated functions &/or documentation onewayPlot.RData; onewayPlot.Rd bounce.Rd (documents the new version of this function. The existing help file is anyway inadequate.) compareTreecalcs.RData Data sets to be added to DAAG are: cottonworkers (cottonworkers.rda; cottonworkers.Rd) nsw74demo (this can be documented along with the other nsw dsets) nswdemo (this is not used in DAAGUR & is thus not essential) Replace bomsoi with the more complete version in bomsoi-2005.RData (data to Dec 2005. In DAAGUR2 bomsoi is assumed to be this data frame. Probably keep the current bomsoi as either bomsoi2001 or bomsoi.old) hills2000, consisting of the relevant rows of races2000, should be in DAAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Past history Jan 2, 2006 Removed (to the archive directory) objects that are now in DAAG Jan 3, 2006 Data sets to be added to DAAG are: nsw74demo nswdemo Replace bomsoi with the more complete version in bomsoi-2005.RData (data to Dec 2005) Added bostonc.txt to directory Mar 6 2005 The files sorption.RData, sorption.Rd, codling.RData and codling.Rd have been added. Some files seem to have been mistakenly transferred to the archive subdirectory. These are: biomass.RData (data of which rainforest is a subset - will use for example in chapter 6) whoops.RData whoops.Rd (may use for an example) poxetc.RData poxetc.Rd (may use for an example) sorption.RData sorption.Rd (used for an example in chapter 10) codling.RData codling.Rd (companion to sorption - may use for ex) dengue.RData dengue.Rd (to be used for an example in chapter 8) Antigua.RData stVincent.rda (full data - cf ant111b & vinve111b) Nov 19 2005 & Dec 5, 2005 The following need to be added: cuckoohosts.RData (was cuckoomeans.RData; used in chapter 2) cuckoohosts.Rd (NB: These are related to the cuckoos data, the information is of a different character.) Added overlap.density.RData [enhanced version of overlap.density(); use to replace current version] Has additional arguments: cutoffs = c(lower = TRUE, upper = TRUE), bw = FALSE, col = 1:2, lty = 1:2 Also, the default for compare.numbers is FALSE Dec 5, 2005 In the 'science' data frame, 'school' and 'class' should be factors. Dec 11, 2005 bounce() has an additional parameter, 'log' This may be either a logical (base 10 is then assumed), or a specific base. Data are log transformed before imposing the requirement that all points must be at least a distance d apart, and then back-transformed before values are returned. Example jobts <- ts(jobs[,1:6], start=1995, frequency=12) plot(jobts, plot.type="single", xlim=c(1995,1997.2), lty=1:5, log="y", xaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="Number of Jobs") ylast <- bounce(window(jobts, 1996+11/12), d=strheight("O"), log=TRUE) text(rep(1996+11/12,6), ylast, colnames(ylast), pos=4) Dec 11, 2005 Added compareTreecalcs.RData and compareTreecalcs.Rd