Files are: shinyPPV.Rmd Interactive Markdown document. To run, install 'shiny' and dependencies. Designed to demonstrate how the probability of a real effect changes with changes in the prior proportion of real effects. rethinkORcrisis.Rmd: Markdown for slides for talk on reproducibility in science. Open in RStudio. Click on 'Knit HTML' to get HTML file, ... The file osc.bib should be in the same directory. References that do not fit onto the final slide are omitted. To get all references, process with output an HTML document. The HTML output displays best under Chrome. Click on "Open in browser", then from the Chrome View dropdown menu, select "Enter Presentation Mode". If Chrome is not the default browser, the link from the browser window can be copied to Chrome and opened from there. rethinkORcrisis-slides.pdf omits some of the formatting apparent in the HTML file. All text is black or grayscale. NB also rethinkORcrisis-bklt.pdf The 'short-reproduce' files are for the later shortened version of the talk that was presented at the 2015 Joint NZSA+ORSNZ Conference in Christchurch, Nov 24-26. The 'betterScience' files are for an earlier version of the talk. hurricnames.Rmd Markdown file; examines data on deaths from named Atlantic hurricanes that made landfall in the US mainland. Open in RStudio. Click on 'Knit HTML' to get HTML file, ... John Maindonald Nov 4 2015.