M.Sc. thesis: On the farthest point problem. -
Ph.D. thesis: Mathematical
aspects of learning in Neural Networks. -
Advanced Lectures in Machine Learning, (S. Mendelson, A.J.
Smola Eds), LNCS 2600, Springer 2003.
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, Israel
Seminar 2006-2010, Bo'az Klartag, Shahar Mendelson and Vitali D. Milman
Editors, Lecture notes in Mathematics 2050, Springer 2012.
S. Mendelson, On the size
of convex hulls of small sets, Journal of Machine Learning
Research 2, 1-18, 2001.
S. Mendelson, l-norm and
its application to Learning Theory, Positivity, 5, 177-191,
S. Mendelson, A new
on-line learning model, Neural Computation 13(4), 935-957,
April 2001.
S. Mendelson and I. Nelken, Recurrence
techniques in the analysis of neural networks, Neural
Computation 13(8) 1839-1861, August 2001.
S. Mendelson, Rademacher
averages and phase transitions in Glivenko-Cantelli
classes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 48(1),
251-263, 2002.
S. Mendelson, Improving
the sample complexity using global data, IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory 48(7), 1977-1991, 2002.
S. Mendelson, Learnability
in Hilbert spaces with Reproducing Kernels, Journal of
Complexity, 18(1), 152-170, 2002.
Bartlett, S. Mendelson, Rademacher
and Gaussian complexities: risk bounds and structural results
(extended version of conference paper (5)), Journal of Machine
Learning Research 3, 463-482, 2002
S. Mendelson, R. Vershynin, Entropy
and the combinatorial dimension, Inventiones Mathematicae,
152(1), 37-55, 2003.
S. Mendelson, A few
notes on Statistical Learning Theory,In Advanced Lectures
in Machine Learning, (S. Mendelson, A.J. Smola Eds), LNCS 2600,
1-40, Springer 2003.
S. Mendelson, Estimating
the performance of kernel classes, Journal of Machine Learning
Research, 4, 759-771, 2003.
G. Lugosi,
S. Mendelson, V.
Koltchinskii, A note
on the richness of convex hulls of VC classes, Electronic
communications in Probability, 8, 167-169, 2003.
S. Mendelson, G. Schechtman, The
shattering dimension of sets of linear functionals, Annals of
Probability, 32(3A), 1746-1770, 2004.
S. Mendelson, Geometric
parameters in Learning Theory. GAFA lecture notes, LNM 1850,
193-236, 2004.
S. Mendelson, P. Philips, On
the importance of "small" coordinate projections, Journal of
Machine Learning Research, 5(Mar), 219-238, 2004.
S. Mendelson, R. Vershynin, Remarks
on the geometry of coordinate projections in R^n, Israel Journal
of Mathematics, 140, 203-220, 2004.
Barthe, O. Guedon,
S. Mendelson, A. Naor,
probabilistic approach to the geometry of the $\ell_p^n$ ball,
Annals of Probability, 33(2), 480-513, 2005.
S. Mendelson, Embeddings
with a Lipschitz function, Random Structures and Algorithms,
27(1) 25-45, 2005.
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, N.
Tomczak-Jaegermann, Reconstruction
and subgaussian processes, CRAS 340(12) 885-888,
Bartlett, O.
Bousquet, S. Mendelson, Local
Rademacher Complexities, Annals of Statistics, 33(4) 1497-1537,
Klartag, S. Mendelson, Empirical
Processes and Random Projections, Journal of Functional Analysis,
225(1) 229-245, 2005.
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, M. Rudelson, On the
Geometry of random {-1,1}-polytopes, Discrete and Computational
Geometry, 33(3) 365-379, 2005.
Bartlett, S. Mendelson, Empirical
minimization, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 135,
311-334, 2006.
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, On
singular values of matrices with independent rows, Bernoulli,
12(5), 761-773, 2006.
P.L. Bartlett, S.
Mendelson, Local
Rademacher complexities and empirical minimization, Annals of
Statistics, 34, 2657-2663,
S. Mendelson, J. Zinn, Modified
Empirical CLT's under only pre-Gaussian conditions, High
Dimensional Probability, in IMS lecture notes monograph series, vol 51,
173-184, 2006.
N. Linial, S. Mendelson, G. Schechtman, A.
Schraibman, Complexity
measures of sign matrices, Combinatorica, 27(4) 439-463,
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, N.
Tomczak-Jaegermann, Reconstruction
and subgaussian operators in Asymptotic Geometric
Analysis, Geometric and Functional Analysis, 17(4), 1248-1282, 2007.
S. Mendelson, Lipschitz
representations of subsets of the cube, Proceedings of the AMS,
135, 1455-1463, 2007.
S. Mendelson, N.
Tomczak-Jaegermann, A
subgaussian embedding theorem, Israel Journal of Mathematics,
164, 349-364,
O. Guedon,
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, N.
Tomczak-Jaegermann, Subspaces
and orthogonal decompositions generated by bounded orthogonal
systems, Positivity, 11(2), 269-283, 2008.
S. Mendelson, On
weakly bounded empirical processes, Math. Annalen, 340(2), 293-314, 2008.
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, N.
Tomczak-Jaegermann, Uniform
uncertainty principle for Bernoulli and subgaussian ensembles,
Constructive Approximation, 28, 277-289,
Gordon, A. Litvak, S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, Gaussian
averages of interpolated bodies, Journal of Approximation
Theory, 149, 59-73,
S. Mendelson, Obtaining
fast error rates in nonconvex situations, Journal of Complexity,
24(3), 380-397,
S. Mendelson, Lower
bounds for the empirical minimization algorithm, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, 54(8) 3797-3803,
O. Guedon,
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, N. Tomczak-Jaegermann, Majorizing
measures and proportional subsets of bounded orthonormal systems,
Revista Mathematica Iberoamricana, 24(3). 1075-1095,
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Aggregation
via Empirical risk minimization, Probability Theory and related
Fields, 145, 591-613, 2009.
S. Mendelson,
J. Neeman, Regularization
in Kernel Learning, Annals of Statistics, 38(1), 526-565, 2010.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Sharper
bounds on the performance of the empirical minimization algorithm,
Bernoulli, 16(3), 605-613, 2010.
S. Mendelson, Empirical processes with a bounded
\psi_1 diameter, Geometric and Functional Analysis, 20(4) 988-1027, 2010.
Bartlett, S. Mendelson, P. Philips, Optimal
sample based estimates of the expectation of the empirical
minimizer, ESAIM Probability and Statistics, 14, 315-337, 2010.
S. Mendelson, Discrepancy, Chaining and Subgaussian processes,
Annals of Probability, 39(3) 985-1026, 2011.
P. Bartlett, S. Mendelson,
J. Neeman,
\ell_1-regularized linear regression: Persistence and oracle inequalities,
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 154, 193-224, 2012.
G. Lecue,
S. Mendelson, General non-exact oracle inequalities in the
unbounded case, Annals of Statistics, 40(2), 832-860, 2012.
S. Mendelson,
G. Paouris,
On generic chaining and the smallest singular values of
random matrices with heavy tails, Journal of Functional Analysis,
262(9), 3775-3811, 2012.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Optimality of the aggregate with exponential weights for low temperatures, Bernoulli, 19(2) 646-675, 2013.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, On the optimality of the empirical risk minimization procedure for the convex aggregation problem, Annales dIHP, 49(1), 288-306, 2013.
S. Mendelson,
G. Paouris,
On the singular values of random matrices, Journal of
the European Mathematical Society, 16, 823-834, 2014.
F. Krahmer,
S. Mendelson, H. Rauhut,
Suprema of chaos processes and the restricted isometry
property, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 67(11) 1877-1904, 2014.
Y.C. Eldar, S. Mendelson, Phase Retrieval: Stability and Recovery Guarantees, Applied and computational Harmonic Analysis, 26(3), 473-494, 2014.
S. Mendelson, A remark on the diameter of random sections of convex bodies, Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis (GAFA Seminar Notes, B. Klartag and E. Milman Eds.), Lecture notes in Mathematics 2116, 395-404, 2014.
S. Mendelson, Learning without concentration, Journal of the ACM, 62(3), Article No. 21, 1-25, 2015. doi:10.1145/2699439.
V. Koltchinskii, S. Mendelson, Bounding the smallest singular value of a random matrix without concentration, International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2015 (23), 12991–13008, 2015.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson,
Minimax rate of convergence and the performance of ERM in phase recovery, Electronic Journal of Probability 20(57), 1-29, 2015.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Performance of empirical risk minimization in linear aggregation, Bernoulli, 23(3) 1520-1534, 2016.
S. Mendelson, Upper bounds on product and multiplier empirical processes, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 126(12), 3652–3680, 2016.
S. Mendelson, Dvoretzky type theorems for subgaussian coordinate projections, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 29(4), 1644-1660, 2016.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Learning subgaussian classes: Upper and minimax bounds, Topics in Learning Theory - Societe Mathematique de France, (S. Boucheron and N. Vayatis Eds.), to appear (37 pages).
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Sparse recovery under weak moment assumptions, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 19(3), 881-904, 2017.
S. Mendelson, On multiplier processes under weak moment assumptions, Geometric aspects of Functional Analysis, Lecture notes in Mathematics, 2169 301–318, Springer, 2017.
S. Mendelson, On aggregation for heavy-tailed classes, Probability Theory and related fields, 168(3), 641-674, 2017.
S. Mendelson, Local vs. global parameters - breaking the gaussian complexity barrier, Annals of Statistics, 45(5), 1835-1862, 2017.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Regularization and the small-ball method II: complexity dependent error rates, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(146), 1-48, 2017.
G. Lecue, S. Mendelson, Regularization and the small-ball method I: sparse recovery, Annals of Statistics, 46(2), 611-641, 2018.
S. Mendelson, Learning without concentration for a general loss function, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 171(1), 459-502, 2018.
S. Mendelson, Column normalization of a random measurement matrix, Electronic Communications in Probability, 23, article 13, 1-8, 2018.
S. Mendelson, H. Rauhut, R. Ward, Improved bounds for sparse recovery from subsampled random convolutions, Annals of Applied Probability, 28 (6), 3491-3527, 2018.
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, Sub-Gaussian estimators of the mean of a random vector, Annals of Statistics, 47(2) 783-794, 2019.
S. Mendelson, E. Milman, G. Paouris, Generalized Sudakov via Dimension Reduction - A Program, Studia Math., 244, 159-202, 2019.
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, Regularization, sparse recovery and median-of-means tournaments, Bernoulli, 25(3), 2075-2106, 2019.
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, Near-optimal mean estimators with respect to general norms, Probability Theory and Related Fields , 175(3-4), 957-973, 2019.
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, Mean estimation and regression under heavy-tailed distributions – a survey, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 19(5), 1145-1190, 2019.
S. Mendelson, An unrestricted learning procedure, Journal of the ACM, 66(6), art 42, 2019 (44 pages).
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, Risk minimization by median-of-means tournaments, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 22(3), 925-965, 2020.
S. Mendelson, On the geometry of random polytopes, Geometric aspects of Functional Analysis, Lecture notes in Mathematics, Lecture notes in Mathematics 2266, 187-198, 2020.
S. Mendelson, N. Zhivotovskiy, Robust covariance estimation under L_4-L_2 norm equivalence, Annals of Statistics, 48(3), 1648-1664, 2020.
S. Mendelson, Approximating the covariance ellipsoid, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 22(8) 1950089, 24 pages, 2020.
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, N. Zhivotovskiy, Concentration of the spectral norm and Erdos-Renyi random graphs, Bernoulli, 26(3), 2253-2274, 2020.
S. Mendelson, Extending the scope of the small-ball method, Studia Mathematica, 256(2), 147-167, 2021.
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, Robust multivariate mean estimation: the optimality of trimmed mean, Annals of Statistics, 49(1), 393-410, 2021.
S. Dirksen, S. Mendelson, Robust one-bit compressed sensing with non-gaussian measurements, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 23(9), 2913-2947, 2021.
S. Mendelson, Learning bounded subsets of L_p, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 67(8), 5269-5282, 2021.
S. Mendelson, Approximating L_p unit balls via random sampling, Advances in Mathematics, vol 386, article 107829, 2021.
O. Guedon, F. Krahmer, C. Kummerle, H. Rauhut, S. Mendelson, On the geometry of polytopes generated by heavy-tailed random vectors, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 24(3), article 2150056, 2022.
S. Mendelson, Column randomization and almost-isometric embeddings, Information and Inference: A journal of the IMA,, 2022.
D. Bartl, S. Mendelson, On Monte-Carlo methods in convex stochastic optimization, Annals of Applied Probability, 32(4) 3146-3198, 2022.
D. Bartl, S. Mendelson, Random embeddings with an almost gaussian distortion, Advances in Mathematics, 400, article 108261, 2022.
S. Mendelson, An isomorphic Dvoretzky-Milman Theorem using general random ensembles, Journal of Functional Analysis, 283(2), article 109473, 2022.
S. Dirksen, S. Mendelson, Robust one-bit compressed sensing with partial circulant matrices, Annals of Applied Probability, 33(3), 1874-1903, 2023.
G. Lugosi, S. Mendelson, Multivariate mean estimation with direction-dependent accuracy, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, to appear (40 pages).
S. Dirksen, S. Mendelson, A. Stollenwerk,
Sharp estimates on random hyperplane tessellations, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 4(4), 1396-1419, 2022.
S. Mendelson, G. Paouris, Stable recovery and the coordinate small-ball behaviour of random vectors, Geometric aspects of Functional Analysis, Lecture notes in Mathematics, to appear (26 pages).
S. Dirksen, S. Mendelson, A. Stollenwerk,
Fast metric embedding into the Hamming cube, SIAM Journal on Computing, 53(2), 315-345, 2024.
D. Bartl, S. Mendelson, Optimal non-gaussian Dvoretzky-Milman embeddings, International Mathematics Research Notices, 10, 8459-8480, 2024.
D. Bartl, S. Mendelson, Structure preservation via the Wasserstein distance, (31 pages).
D. Bartl, S. Mendelson, On a variance dependent Dvoretsky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality, (17 pages).
D. Bartl, S. Mendelson, A uniform Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality (32 pages), (32 pages).
A. S. Bandeira, A. Maillard, S. Mendelson, E. Paquette, Fitting an ellipsoid to a quadratic number of random points, (17 pages).
P. Abdalla, S. Mendelson, Covariance estimation with direction dependence accuracy, (37 pages).
Book chapters, conference proceedings and other publications
S. Mendelson, N. Tishby, Statistical
Sufficiency for classes in empirical L2
spaces, Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on
Computational Learning Theory COLT00, 81-89, 2000.
S. Mendelson, Geometric
Methods in the Analysis of Glivenko-Cantelli
Classes, Proceedings of the 14th annual
conference on Computational Learning Theory COLT01, 256-272,
S. Mendelson, Learning
Relatively Small Classes, Proceedings of the
14th annual conference on Computational Learning Theory
COLT01, 273-288, 2001.
P. L.
Bartlett, S. Mendelson, Rademacher and
gaussian complexities: risk bounds and structural results,
Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Computational
Learning Theory COLT01, 224-240, 2001.
S. Mendelson,
R.C. Williamson, Agnostic learning of non-convex classes of
functions, Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computational
Learning Theory COLT02, 1-13, 2002.
S. Mendelson, R. Vershynin, Entropy,
combinatorial dimensions and random averages, Proceedings of
the 15th annual conference on Computational Learning Theory COLT02,
14-28, 2002.
S. Mendelson, Geometric
parameters of kernel machines, Proceedings of the 15th
annual conference on Computational Learning Theory COLT02, 29-43,
Bartlett, O.
Bousquet, S. Mendelson, Localized
Rademacher Averages, Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on
Computational Learning Theory COLT02, 44-58, 2002.
S. Mendelson, P. Philips, Random
subclass bounds, Proceedings of the 16th annual conference on
Learning Theory COLT03,
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 2777, Springer, 329-343,
Bartlett, S. Mendelson, P. Philips, Local
complexities for empirical risk minimization, Proceedings of the
17th annual conference on Learning Theory COLT04, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 3120, Springer,
270-284, 2004.
S. Mendelson, A. Pajor, Ellipsoid
approximation with random vectors, Proceedings of the 18th annual
conference on Learning Theory COLT05,
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 3559, Springer, 429-433,
S. Mendelson, On
the limitations of embedding methods,Proceedings of the 18th
annual conference on Learning Theory COLT05, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 3559, Springer, 353-365,
S. Mendelson, Learning without Concentration,Proceedings of the 27th
annual conference on Learning Theory COLT14, Journal of Machine Learning Research – Workshop and Conference Proceedings, 35, 25-39, 2014.
D. Bartl, S. Mendelson, On a variance dependent Dvoretsky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality, (17 pages).