M.R. Osborne: Publications
1958 (1-3) |
3 Mathematics Division technical reports, Admiralty Research Laboratories. |
1960 (4-5) |
h2-extrapolation in eigenvalue problems, Quarterly J. Mech. And Appl. Math.,13, p.156-168. |
On the propagation of sound in a layered fluid medium, Quarterly J. Mech. And Appl. Math., 13, p.472-486. |
1961 (6) |
On finite difference methods for the numerical solution of boundary value problems, Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 262, p.219-236. (with W.G.Bickley and S.Michaelson). |
1962 (6-8) |
A note on finite-difference methods for solving the eigenvalue problems of second order differential equations, Maths. Comp., 16, p. 338-346. |
On the equivalence of two methods for solving sound propagation problems in a layered fluid medium, Quarterly J. Mech. and Appl. Maths., 15, p. 509-518. |
1963 (9) |
Iterative procedures for solving finite-difference approximations to separable partial differential equations, Comp. J., 6, p. 93-99. |
1964 (10-15) |
The numerical solution of Reynolds’ equation for a journal bearing, Quarterly J. Mech. and Appl. Math., 17, p. 241-246. (with A.A.Gnanadoss). |
A method for finite difference approximation to ordinary differential equations, Comp. J., 7, p. 58-65. |
The numerical solution of eigenvalue problems in which the eigenvalue parameter appears nonlinearly, with an application to differential equations, Comp. J., 7, p. 66-71. (with S. Michaelson). |
A new method for the solution of eigenvalue problems, Comp. J., 7, p.288-292. |
An error analysis of finite-difference methods for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Comp. J., 7, p.232-237. |
Programming in Atlas Autocode, Edinburgh University. (with P.D.Schofield). |
1965 (16-17) |
A note on the numerical solution of a periodic parabolic problem, Num. Math., 7, p.155-158. |
Direct methods for the solution of finite-difference approximations to separable partial differential equations, Comp. J., 8, p.150-156. |
1966 (18-21) |
The numerical solution of Reynold’s equation, Chapter XVI in Principles of Lubrication by A.Cameron, Longmans. |
On Nordsiek’s method for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, BIT, 6, p.51-57. |
The construction of minimax rational approximations to functions, Comp. J., 9, p.286-293. |
Methods for unconstrained optimisation problems, Computer Centre Technical Report #5, Australian National University. |
1967 (22-26) |
Minimising truncation error in finite difference approximations to ordinary differential equations, Math. Comp., 98, p.133-145. |
Numerical methods for hydrodynamic stability problems, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 15, p.539-577. |
On the best linear Chebyshev approximation, Comp. J., 10, p.172-177. (with G.A.Watson). |
The numerical solution of a periodic parabolic problem subject to a nonlinear boundary condition, Num. Math., 10, p.76-79. |
Summary of FORTRAN standards, Computer Centre Technical Report #16, Australian National University. |
1968 (27-32) |
Note on two methods of solving ordinary linear differential equations, Comp. J., 10, p.383-384. (with G.A.Watson). |
The numerical solution of a periodic parabolic problem subject to a nonlinear boundary condition II, Num. Math., 12, p.280-287. |
Methods for Unconstrained Optimisation Problems, Elsevier Press. (with J.Kowalik). |
FORTRAN programming considerations, Computer Centre Technical Report #16, Australian National University. (with J.F.Temperly). |
Computing considerations in linear least squares analysis, Computer Centre Technical Report #17, Australian National University. |
On the integration of stiff systems of ordinary differential equations, Computer Centre Technical Report #24, Australian National University. |
1969 (33-45) |
A note on singular minimax approximation problems, J. Math. Anal. And Applic. , 25, p.692-700. (with G.A.Watson). |
An algorithm fo minimax approximation in the nonlinear case, Comp. J., 12, p.64-69. (with G.A.Watson). |
On estimating best approximations to functions defined by differential equations, Num. Math., 13, p.195-206. (with G.A.Watson). |
On a method for finding best approximations to functions defined by differential equations, Proc. Fourth Australian Computer Conference, p.443-445. (with G.A.Watson). |
The numerical solution of the heat conduction equation subject to separated boundary conditions, Comp. J., 12, p.83-88. |
A note on Powell’s method for calculating orthogonal vectors, Aust. Comp. J., 1, p.216-218. |
On the rate of convergence of inner/outer iteration schemes, Proc. Fourth Australian Computer Conference, p.425-427. |
On shooting methods for boundary value problems, J. Math. Anal. And Applic., 27, p.417-433. |
Least Squares Methods in Data Analysis, ANU Press. (Editor with R.S.Anderssen). |
Gauss and modified Gauss methods for nonlinear least squares problems, Least Squares Methods in Data Analysis, ANU Press, p.97-104. |
A new method for the integration of stiff systems of ordinary differential equations, IFIP 68, North Holland, p.200-204. |
A new method for constrained optimisation problems, Operations Res., 12, p.973-983. (with J.Kowalik and D.M.Ryan). |
A method for fitting exponentials to data, Computer Centre Technical Report #31, Australian National University. |
1970 (46-50) |
Data Representation, Queensland University Press. (Editor with R.S.Anderssen). |
A class of nonlinear regression problems, Data Representation, Queensland University Press, p.94-101. |
On penalty function methods for nonlinear programming, J. Math. Anal. and Applic., 31, p.559-578. (with D.M.Ryan). |
An algorithm for nonlinear programming, Computer Centre Technical Report #35, Australian National University. (with D.M.Ryan). |
An application of orthogonal matrix transformations to the solution of linear and nonlinear equations, Computer Centre Technical Report #37, Australian National University. (with L.S.Jennings). |
1971 (51-53) |
Methods for Unconstrained Optimisation Problems. (Japanese translation of revised version). |
On an algorithm for discrete nonlinear L1 approximation, Comp. J., 14, p.184-188. (with G.A.Watson). |
On the inverse eigenvalue problem for matrices and related problems for difference and differential equations, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 228, p.155-168. |
1972 (54-62) |
An algorithm for discrete, nonlinear, best approximation problems, Numerische Methoden der Approximations Theorie, 1, Birkhauser Verlag, p.177-186. |
Some aspects of nonlinear least squares calculations, Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Optimisation, (Frierk Lootsma editor), Academic Press, p.171-189. |
A hybrid algorithm for nonlinear programming, Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Optimisation, Academic Press, p.395-410. (with D.M.Ryan). |
On penalty and barrier function methods for mathematical programming, Optimisation, Queensland University Press, p.106-115. |
Descent methods for minimization, Optimisation, Queensland University Press, p.221-237. (with M.A.Saunders). |
Lecture notes on optimisation, Report #CS-72-279, Stanford University. |
An embedding method for elliptic partial differential equations, Proc. Sixth Australian Computer Conference. (with L.S.Jennings). |
A class of methods for minimizing a sum of squares, Aust. Comp. J., 4, p.164-169. |
Computing multiple regressions, Mathematics in the Social Sciences in Australia, p.375-386. |
1973 (63) |
Limitations of the numerical approach, Error, Approximation, and Accuracy, Queensland University Press, p.109-121. |
1974 (64-68) |
Asymptotic structure in torsional free oscillations for the earth, Nature, 250, p.400-401. (with R.S.Anderssen and J.R.Cleary). |
Asymptotic error formulae for numerical quadrature, JIMA, 13, p.219-227. |
Numerical procedures for the eigenvalue problem of second order ordinary differential equations when a wide range of eigenvalues are required, Actas del Seminario Sobre Metodos Numericos Modernos, II, Universidad Central de Venezuela, p.53-81. |
On the numerical solution of boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations, IFIP 74, North Holland, p.673-677. |
A direct error analysis for least squares, Num. Math., 22, p.325-332. (with L.S.Jennings). |
1975 (69-71) |
Collocation, difference equations, and stitched function representations, Topics in Numerical Analysis II, Academic Press, p.121-132. |
Some special nonlinear least squares problems, SINUM,12, p.571-592. |
Extrapolation procedures and variational principles, Computational Methods in Mathematical Physics, University of Queensland Press, p.155-160. |
1976 (72-75) |
Discrete, linear approximation problems in polyhedral norms, Num. Math., 26, p.179-189. (with D.H.Anderson). |
On the computation of stepwise regressions, Aust. Comp. J., 8, p.61-68. |
Systems, models, and programs, Proc. Seventh Australian Computer Conference, p.293-302. |
Nonlinear least squares – The Levenberg algorithm revisited, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 19, p.348-357. |
1977 (76-82) |
Simulation and Modelling, University of Queensland Press. (Editor with R.O.Watts). |
Model construction and implementation, Simulation and Modelling, University of Queensland Press, p.3-29. (with R.O.Watts). |
Modelling using simulation languages, Simulation and Modelling, University of Queensland Press,p.141-150. |
Introduction to continuous simulation using ACSL, Computer Centre Technical Report #58, Australian National University. (with D.C.C.Bover). |
Discrete, nonlinear approximation problems in polyhedral norms, Num. Math., 28, p.143-156. (with D.H.Anderson). |
Discrete, nonlinear approximation problems in polyhedral norms: a Levenberg-like algorithm, Num.Math., 28, p.157-170. (with D.H.Anderson). |
Generalised eigenvalue problems for rectangular matrices, JIMA, 20, p.443-458. (with L.S.Jennings). |
1978 (83-87) |
Nonlinear approximation problems in vector norms, Numerical Analysis, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 630, p.117-132. (with G.A.Watson). |
Inverse iteration, Newton’s method, and nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Contributions of J.H.Wilkinson to Numerical Analysis, IMA Symposium Proceedings, 19, p.21-53. |
Simulation facilities via Macro preprocessors, Proc. SIMSIG-78. (with D.C.C.Bover). |
An efficient weak line search with guaranteed termination, MRC Technical Summary Report #1870, University of Wisconsin. |
Trajectory analysis and extrapolation in barrier function methods, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 20, p.352-369. (with Krisorn Jittorntrum). |
1979 (88-89) |
An analysis of the stabilized march, Codes for Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 76, p.144-150. |
The stabilized march is stable, SINUM, 16, p.923-933. |
1980 (90-93) |
A modified barrier function with improved rate of convergence for degenerate problems, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 21, p.305-329. (with Krisorn Jittorntrum). |
Strong uniqueness and second order convergence in nonlinear discrete approximation, Num. Math., 34, p439-455. (with Krisorn Jittorntrum). |
On the implementation of a subset selection algorithm for the restricted least squares problem, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 22, p.2-11. (with D.I.Clark). |
An algorithmic approach to nonlinear approximation problems, Approximation Theory III, (E.W.Cheney editor), Academic Press. |
1981 (94-96) |
On Newton’s method for singular problems when the dimension of the null space is >1, SINUM, 18, p.145-149. (with A.O.Griewank). |
Algorithms for nonlinear discrete approximation, The Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Problems, O.U.P., p.270-286. |
Strong uniqueness in nonlinear approximation, The Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Problems, O.U.P., p.287-304. |
1982 (97) |
A finite algorithm for the rank regression problem, Essays in Statistical Science, Applied Probability 19A, p.241-252. |
1983 (98-100) |
An algorithm for minimizing polyhedral convex functions, Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 215, p.179-192. |
Analysis of Newton's method at irregular singularities, SINUM, 20, p.747-773. (with A.O.Griewank). |
A descent algorithm for minimizing polyhedral convex functions, SISSC, 4, p.757-786. (with D.I.Clark). |
1985 (101-3) |
The close relationship between methods for solving two-point boundary value problems, SINUM, 22, p.280-309. (with Marinella Lentini and R.D.Russell) |
An analysis of the total approximation problem in separable norms, and an algorithm for the total l1 problem, SISSC, 6, p.410-424. (with G.A.Watson). |
Finite Algorithms in Optimization and Data Analysis, Wiley, Chichester. |
1986 (104-7) |
An algorithm for exponential fitting revisited, Essays in Time Series and Allied Processes, J. Applied Probability, 23A, p.419-430. (with G.K.Smyth). |
Finite algorithms for Huber's M-estimator, SISSC, 7,p.72-85. (with D.I.Clark). |
Concise representation of generalised gradients, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 28, p.57-74. (with S.A.Pruess and R.S.Womersley) |
The Riccati transformation in the solution of boundary value problems, SINUM, 23, p.1023-1035. (with R.D.Russell). |
1987 (108-15) |
Dual barrier functions with superfast rates of convergence for the linear programming problem, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 29, p.39-58. |
A Riccati transformation method for solving BVPs, I: theoretical aspects, Simon Fraser University Technical Report 86Ä13 (with Luca Dieci and R.D.Russell). |
A Riccati transformation method for solving BVPs, II: computational aspects, Simon Fraser University Technical Report 87-1. (with Luca Dieci and R.D.Russell). |
A modified Prony algorithm I: rational fitting, Statistics and Applied Probability Technical Report, University of California at Santa Barbara. (with G.K.Smyth). |
A modified Prony algorithm II: exponential fitting, Statistics and Applied Probability Technical Report, University of California at Santa Barbara. (with G.K.Smyth). |
Notes on the method of scoring, C.S.I.R.O. DMS Technical Report 87/20. |
The reduced gradient algorithm, Statistical Data Analysis Based on the l1 Norm and Related Methods, (Yadolah Dodge editor), North-Holland, p.95-108. |
Estimating nonlinear models by maximum likelihood for the exponential family, SISSC, 8, 446-456. |
1988 (116-123) |
On algorithms for generalised smoothing splines, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 29, p.322-341. (with Tania Prvan). |
Smoothness and conditioning in generalised smoothing spline calculations, J. Aust Math. Soc. B, 30, p.43-56. (with Tania Prvan). |
A square-root fixed-interval, discrete time smoother, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 30, p.57-68. (with Tania Prvan). |
On linear restricted and interval least squares problems, IMA J. Numerical Analysis, 8, p.23-36. (with D.I.Clark). |
On the solution of highly degenerate linear programs, Math. Prog, 41, p.385-392. (with D.M.Ryan). |
A note on solving nonlinear equations and the natural criterion function, JOTA, 55, p.147-152. (with U.Ascher). |
A Riccati transformation BVPs, I: theoretical method for solving aspects, SINUM, 25, p.1055-1073. (with Luca Dieci and R.D.Russell). |
A Riccati transformation method for solving BVPs, II: computational aspects. SINUM, 25, p.1074-1092. (with Luca Dieci and R.D.Russell). |
1989 (124-27) |
LAD for multiway tables, Comm. Statist. Simula., 18, p.829-834 |
An effective method for computing regression quantiles, Technical Report no. 81, Statistics Department, Texas A&M University |
What is the covariance analogue of the Paige and Saunders information filter?, Technical Report no. 82, Statistics Department, Texas A&M University. |
Maximum likelihood estimation of covariance parameters for gaussian random fields, Technical report CMA-R15-89, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, ANU. (with C.R.Dietrich). |
1990 (128-31) |
An interior point method for linear programming, J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 31, p.367-378 |
Strong uniqueness in sequential linear programming , J. Aust. Math. Soc. B, 31, p.379-384. (with R.S.Womersley). |
Gram-Schmidt for least squares regression problems: a sweep based algorithm for orthogonal factorization, Canberra Statistics Report SMS-015-90, School of Mathematical Sciences, ANU. |
The efficient computation of linear rank statistics, J.Statist. Comput. Simul., 35, p.227-237. (with Karen George). |
1991 (132-34) |
A direct derivation of the interpolation smoother, Appl. Math. Lett., 4, p.43-44. (with Tania Prvan). |
What is the covariance analog of the Paige and Saunders information filter, SISSC, 12, p.1324-1331. (with Tania Prvan) .(Also Tech. Rep. #126). |
A modified Prony algorithm for fitting functions defined by difference equations, SISSC, 12, p.362-382. (with G.K.Smyth). |
1992 (135-40) |
Fisher's method of scoring, Int. Stat. Rev., 60, p.99-117. |
An effective method for computing regression quantiles, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 12, p.151-166 |
Degeneracy: resolve or avoid? J. Oper. Res. Soc., 43, p.829-835 |
Exploiting parallelism in the solution of overdetermined multi-point boundary value problems, CTAC91 Proceedings, Computational Mathematics Group, Australian Mathematical Society, p.3-16. (with U. Ascher) |
Degeneracy is a problem for my algorithm not your application, CTAC91 Proceedings, Computational Mathematics Group, Australian Mathematical Society, p. 217-224. (with Karen George). |
On the consistency of Prony's method and related algorithms, J. Comp.and Graphical Stats., 1(4), p.329-350. (with M.H. Kahn, M.S. Mackisack, and G.K. Smyth.). |
1993 (141) |
On degeneracy in linear programming and related problems, Annals of Operations Research, 47, p.343--359. (with Karen George). |
1994 (142-150) |
A modified Prony algorithm for estimating sinusoidal frequencies, J. Statist. Comput. Simul., 49, p.111-124. (with Margaret Mackisack and G.K. Smyth). |
Implementation and performance of scalable scientific library subroutines on Fujitsu's VPP500 parallel-vector supercomputer, Proceedings of IEEE Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, Knoxville, IEEE, p.526-533. (with R. Brent, A. Cleary, M. Dow, M. Hegland, J. Jenkinson, Z. Leyk, S. Roberts, D. Singleton). |
Eigenvalue solvers for large problems, CTAC93 Proceedings, World Scientific, p.40-147. (with Andrew Cleary). |
Efficient computation of the restricted maximum likelihood function and its gradient for variance estimation of a stationary Gaussian random field sampled over a regular grid, CTAC93 Proceedings, World Scientific, p.184-192. (with Claude Dietrich). |
Calculation of gradients for aerodynamic design, CTAC93 Proceedings, p.193-201. (with Andrew Dixon, Clive Fletcher, and D.E. Stewart). |
Boundary equation methods for linear systems of equations', CTAC93 Proceedings, World Scientific, p.285-293. (with Markus Hegland). |
Collocation for boundary value problems: compact and noncompact schemes, CTAC93 Proceedings, World Scientific, p.354-361. (with Durray S.I. Mahmood). |
An inverse problem associated with sound channel propagation, CTAC93 Proceedings, World Scientific, p.397-405. (with Audrey Tan). |
A modified barrier function method for linear programming, Advances in Optimization and Approximation, (editors Ding--Zhu Du, and Jie Sun), Kluer Academic Publishers, p.247--256. |
1995 (151-3) |
A generalised square root iteration to solve generalized algebraic Riccati equations, Report MRR 057-95, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. (with Linzhang Lu). |
Simplicial methods for minimizing piecewise linear functions, Report MRR 076-95, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. |
A modified Prony algorithm for exponential fitting, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 16, p.119-138. (with G.K.Smyth). |
1996 (154-160) |
Fitting solutions of ordinary differential equations to observed data, CTAC95 (editors R.L.May and A.K.Easton), World Scientific, p.193-198.(with S.B.Childs). |
Parallel stable solution methods for tridiagonal linear systems of equations, CTAC95 (editors R.L.May and A.K.Easton), World Scientific, p.267-274. (with C.R.Dun, M.Hegland). |
Implementation of the Lanczos method for solving eigenproblems on the VPP500 supercomputer,CTAC95 (editors R.L.May and A.K.Easton4, World Scientific), p.487-49. (with Z.Leyk). |
Groundwater convection beneath discharge zones, CTAC95 (editors R.L.May and A.K.Easton), World Scientific, p.757-764. (with J.Taylor, I.White, R.Wooding, and S.Tyler) |
Solving least squares problems on parallel vector processors, Numerical Analysis - AR Mitchell 75thBirthday Volume (editors D.F.Griffiths and G.A.Watson), World Scientific, p. 225-246. |
Aspects of M--estimation and l1 fitting problems, Numerical Analysis - AR Mitchell 75th Birthday Volume (editors D.F.Griffiths and G.A.Watson), World Scientific, p. 247-262. (with G.A.Watson). |
A review of some contemporary trends in the numerical solution of large nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems, Report No. MRR 025-96, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. (with David L. Harrar II). |
1997 (161-66) |
Wrap-around partitioning for block bidiagonal linear systems, PCW’97, Australian National University, P2-V-1-5. (with Markus Hegland). |
Parallel eigenvalue routines on the Fujitsu VPP300, PCW’97, Australian National University, P2-Y-1-8. (with D.L.Harrar and Margaret Kahn). |
Cyclic reduction, dichotomy, and the estimation of differential equations, J. Comp. And Appl. Math., 86, p.271-286. |
Invited discussion: The Gaussian Hare and the Laplacian Tortoise (S.Portnoy and R.Koenker), Statistical Science, 12, p.298-299. |
Inverse iteration and deflation in general eigenvalue problems, Report No. MRR052-97, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. (with David Harrar II). |
Regression splines with variable knots within a stochastic setting, Graph-Image-Vision, Proceedings of the 28'th Symposium on the Interface (editors Lynne Billard, N.I.Fisher), Interface Foundation of North America, p.653-658. (with Tania Prvan and T.Vodenitcharova). |
1998 (167-75) |
On simplicial algorithms for rank regression, Report No. MRR 002-98, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University (with Karen George, G.A. Watson, and R.S. Womersley). |
Development of a mathematical subroutine library for the Fujitsu vector parallel processors, Proc. Super Computing 98, to appear. (with R.P.Brent et al). |
Design of a scientific subroutine library for the Fujitsu VPP300, Proc. HPC Asia, to appear. (with R.P.Brent et al). |
Parallel solution of some large-scale eigenvalue problems arising in Chemistry and Physics, Report No. MRR026-98, School of Mathematical Sciences , Australian National University. (with David Harrar II). Applied Parallel Computing, PARA'98 (Editor B. K{\aa}gstr{\"{o}}m et al.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1541, p.216-223, Springer Verlag Berlin. |
Knot selection for regression splines via the LASSO, Dimension Reduction, Computational Complexity, and Information, Proceedings of the 30'th Symposium on the Interface, Interface 98 (Editor S. Weisberg), Interface Foundation of North America, p.44-49. (with B. Presnell and B.A. Turlach). |
Wrap-around partitioning for block bidiagonal linear systems, IMA J. Num. Anal., 18, p. 373-383. (with Markus Hegland). |
A hard case!, Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC97 (Editors John Noye, Michael Teubner, and Andrew Gill), World Scientific, p.521 -528. |
Can MARS be improved with B-splines, Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC97 (Editors John Noye, Michael Teubner, and Andrew Gill), World Scientific, p.75 - 82. (with Sergey Bakin and Markus Hegland). |
Composite Arnoldi-Newton methods for large nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems, Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC97 (Editors John Noye, Michael Teubner, and Andrew Gill), World Scientific, p.273-280. (with D.L.Harrar II). |
1999 (176-79) |
Solving Large-Scale Eigenvalue
problems on Vector-Parallel Processors,
VECPAR'98 - Third International
Conference for Vector and Parallel Processing
(Editors Jose M.L.M. Palma, Jack Dongarra and
Vicente Hernandez), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
1573, p.100-113. (with D.L.Harrar II). |
Computational techniques for differential equation eigenvalue problems on vector processors, Report No. MRR.032.99, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. (with David Harrar II). |
A new approach to symmetric rank-one updating, IMA J. Num. Anal., 19, p.497-507. (with Linping Sun). |
A parallel algorithm for the reduction to tridiagonal form for eigendecomposition, SIAM J. Sci. Computing, 21, p.987-1005. (with Markus Hegland and Margaret Kahn). |
2000 (180-86) |
Direct descent methods for minimizing objective functions of support vector regression type, Report No. MRR2000.009, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. (with G.A.Watson). |
Scoring with constraints, ANZIAM J., 42, p.9-25. Also: Report No. MRR 035-95, Australian National University. |
A new approach to variable selection in least squares problems, IMA J. Num. Anal., 20, p.389-403. (with Brett Presnell and B.A.Turlach). also: Report No. MRR049-98, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. |
Variable selection and control in least squares problems, NEMACOM (Editors Roderick Melnik, Suely Oliveira, and David Stewart), Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 38. Also: Report No. MRR047-98, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. |
John Noye and the Development of CTAC, (dedication of the CTAC99 proceedings to John Noye), ANZIAM J., 42(E), 6 pages. |
On the inversion of sound channel data, ANZIAM J., 42(E), p.C1097-C1113. |
On the Lasso and its dual, J. Comp. and Graphical Stat., 9(2), p.319-317. (with Brett Presnell and Berwin A. Turlach) |
2001 (187-88) |
Simplicial algorithms for minimizing polyhedral functions, C.U.P., 247 pages. |
Parallel MARS algorithms based on B-splines, Computational Stat., 15, p.463-484. (with S. Bakin and M. Hegland). |
2002 (189-90) |
Parallel interior point schemes for solving multistage convex programming, Ann. Oper. Res., 108, p.75-85. (with M. Hegland and J. Sun) |
Adaptive algorithm for constrained least-squares problems, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 114, p.423-441. (with Z. Li and Tania Prvan) |
2003 (191-93) |
Computing eigenvalues of ordinary differential equations, ANZIAM J. , 44(E), p.C313-C334. (with D.L. Harrar II) |
V-invariant methods for generalised least squares problems, Computational Science-ICCS2003, p.673-683, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Also: Report No. MRR2001.024, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University. |
Numerical algorithms for constrained maximum likelihood estimation, ANZIAM J., 45(1), p.91-114. (with Z. Li and Tania Prvan) |
2004 (194-97) |
V-invariant methods, generalised least squares problems, and the Kalman filter, ANZIAM J., 45(E), p.C232-C247. (with Inge Söderkvist) |
Model selection in a stochastic setting, ANZIAM J., 45(E), p.C787-C799. (with Tania Prvan) |
An approach to parameter estimation and model selection in differential equations, Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, {Editors H.G.Bock, E.Kostina, H.X.Phu, and R.Rannacher}, p.393-408, Springer. |
Review: "Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations" by J.C. Butcher. Aust. Math. Soc. Gazette, 31(1),p.51-53. |
2005 (198-200) |
Parameter estimation of ordinary differential equations, IMA J. Num. Anal., 25(2), p.264-285. (with Z. Li and Tania Prvan) |
Polyhedral function constrained optimization problems, ANZIAM J., 46, p.C196--C209. |
Thin film models in a stochastic setting, ANZIAM J., 46, p.C505--C515. (with Tania Prvan) |
2006 (201) |
Least squares methods in maximum likelihood problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 21(6), p.943-959. |
2007 (202) |
Separable least squares, variable projection, and the Gauss-Newton method, ETNA (Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, http://etna.math.kent.edu), 28, p.1-15. |
2008 (203-5) |
@inProceedings{Prvan2008, |
@inProceedings{Osborne2008A, |
@inProceedings{Osborne2008B, author = "M. R. Osborne", title = "On estimation algorithms for ordinary differential equations", series = "ANZIAM J.", volume = "50", pages = "C107--C120", year = 2008, booktitle = " Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, CTAC-2008", editor = "Geoffry N. Mercer and A. J. Roberts", month = oct, note = "\url {http://anziamj.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/view/1363} [October 27, 2008]", keywords = "", subjclass = "", } |
@inProceedings{Osborne2008C, |
2010 |
Asymptotic behaviour in linear least squares problems, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 30, p.241-247. doi:10.1093/imanum/drp056 |
2011 |
@inProceedings{Osborne2011, |