Math 135, Fall 2012 (Sections 09-11)

Welcome to Math 135, Sections 09-11!

  • Instructor: Po Lam Yung
    Office: Hill 224
    Office hours: Fridays 9:30am-10:30am
  • Teaching Assistant: Francis Seuffert
    Office: Hill 611
    Office Hours: Mondays 2:00pm-3:00pm, Thursdays 1:00pm-2:00pm

Course Information • ∫ ∂ • Exam 1 Materials • ∫ ∂ • Exam 2 Materials • ∫ ∂ • Final Exam Materials

Course Information

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How to get help:


  1. Try to work on math every day. It takes time to understand these concepts and it's better to study for some time each day than for a longer time once or twice a week.
  2. After you read a problem in the text, cover up the solution and see if you can work it yourself without looking at the text. If you have trouble, uncover just enough of the book's solution to get yourself started again. Keep going until you finish the problem. Make a note to come back and try that one again with the answer covered. After all, if you have trouble when you've just read the solution in the book, how are you going to do that problem on the exam?
  3. Most importantly, go home and try the homework the night after the class in which the section is discussed. That makes it easier to understand the discussion of HW problems at the next class. It also makes it easier to remember how to do the problems when exam time rolls around!
  4. Do not just mimic what you have seen in the book or in class. It will be much easier if you actually understand the principles behind the math, and get to know exactly how they should be applied. Initially it may take more work, but after a while you will appreciate the effort made. You will not only be saving yourself a whole lot of time, but that you also learn better. Ideally, once you understand the logic, you will be able to recognize similarities and differences between problems, and you will not even need to solve them all to know that you can solve them all.

Information Related to the First Hour Exam

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Information Related to the Second Hour Exam

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Information Related to the Final Exam

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The final will be a cumulative, closed book exam. Student prepared formula sheets will not be allowed. An official formula sheet (see the copy below) will be provided. Calculators MAY NOT be used on the final exam. Check the Math Department homepage for the final exam locations.