MP Users Guide

35. R. P. Brent, MP Users Guide, Report TR 54, Computer Centre, ANU (September 1976), 53  pp. Latest revision is MP Users Guide (fourth edition), TR-CS-81-08, Department of Computer Science, ANU (June 1981), 73  pp. arXiv:1004.3173v2

Abstract: dvi (3K), pdf (83K).

Users Guide: pdf (99K), Ascii text (46K).


MP is a package of ANSI Standard Fortran (ANS X3.9-1966) subroutines for performing multiple-precision floating-point arithmetic and evaluating elementary and special functions. The subroutines are machine independent and the precision is arbitrary, subject to storage limitations. The User's Guide describes the routines and their calling sequences, example and test programs, use of the Augment precompiler, and gives installation instructions for the package.


Pg. 13 of the pdf version, line 5: change "65536 or 100000" to "65536 or 10000".
[Thanks to Paul Zimmermann for noticing this in Sept. 2016.]


1. The algorithms are outlined in Brent [42, 52].

2. The Augment precompiler described in Sections 4-5 of the Users Guide and in Brent, Hooper and Yohe [54] is no longer supported.

3. The MP package is written in Fortran 66 and has not been changed to accord with more recent Fortran standards.

4. The source code for the MP package is available as a gzipped tar file (242K) or zip file (249K).

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