Factorization of large integers on some vector and parallel computers

156. C. Eldershaw and R. P. Brent, Factorization of large integers on some vector and parallel computers, Proceedings of Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations 1 (1995), 143-148. Also appeared as TR-CS-95-01, CSL, ANU, January 1995, 6 pp.

A revision appeared as: C. Eldershaw and R. P. Brent, Integer factorisation on the AP1000, Proc. Fourth International Parallel Computing Workshop (PCW'95), Imperial College, London, 1995, 233-242.

Paper (revised version): dvi (19K), pdf (133K), ps (67K).


We compare implementations of two integer factorisation algorithms, the elliptic curve method (ECM) and a variant of the Pollard "rho" method, on three machines (the Fujitsu AP1000, VP2200 and VPP500) with parallel and/or vector architectures. ECM is scalable and well suited for both vector and parallel architectures.


After this paper appeared, Crandall showed that the Pollard "rho" method is scalable [R. Crandall, Parallelization of Pollard-rho factorization, manuscript 1999], although certainly not as easily as ECM.

For a recent survey paper on integer factorisation algorithms, see [196].

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