Programming with transactions and the Chemical Abstract Machine

164. W. Ma, C. W. Johnson and R. P. Brent, Programming with transactions and the Chemical Abstract Machine, Proceedings of the 1996 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks, IEEE CS Press, 1996, 562-564.

Paper: pdf (112K), ps (27K).


The coordination style programming language T-Cham extends the chemical abstract machine (Cham) with transactions. The Cham is an interactive computational model based on a chemical reaction metaphor, where a computation proceeds as a succession of chemical reactions. A transaction is a piece of sequentially executed code and could be written in any language, such as C, Pascal, or Fortran, etc., as long as it satisfies its pre-condition and post-condition. Every transaction begins its execution whenever its execution condition is satisfied. A T-Cham program can be executed in a parallel, distributed, or sequential manner based on the available computer resources.


A longer version appeared as [160].

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