An efficient scheduling algorithm for multiprogramming on parallel computing systems

169. B. B. Zhou, R. P. Brent and X. Qu, An efficient scheduling algorithm for multiprogramming on parallel computing systems, Australian Computer Science Communications 19, 1 (1997), 336-345.

Paper: dvi (37K), pdf (109K), ps (61K).


In conventional coscheduling, or gang scheduling of parallel workloads a round-robin queueing algorithm is adopted and the length of scheduling slots is fixed. However, the characteristics of parallel workloads can be quite different from sequential workloads. The system may not perform effectively using the simple round-robin algorithm. In this paper we introduce a new queueing algorithm. Our new system consists of two queues, a service queue which can hold more than one processes and a waiting queue which has multiple levels. This system has several potential advantages over some conventional queueing systems in scheduling parallel workloads. For example, it may achieve a higher system throughput and also a higher cache hit ratio, so the problems encountered in conventional coscheduling are alleviated. The issue of implementation of our algorithm is also discussed.


Related papers are [180, 181, 189, 192, 194, 198, 202].

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