RMSIM: a serial simulator for reconfigurable mesh parallel computers

171. M. Manzur Murshed and R. P. Brent, RMSIM: a serial simulator for reconfigurable mesh parallel computers, Technical Report TR-CS-97-06, CSL, ANU, April, 1997, 10 pp.

Paper: pdf (171K), ps (141K).


There has recently been an interest in the introduction of reconfigurable buses to existing parallel architectures. Among such architectures the Reconfigurable Mesh (RM) has attracted much attention because of its simplicity. This paper presents RMSIM (Reconfigurable Mesh Simulator), a serial simulator written in C, which permits the study of algorithms for a restricted 3-dimensional RM (also known as a mesh of meshes), in a monoprocessor environment.

RMSIM is an easy-to-use simulator capable of simulating any algorithm in different axis orientations within restricted regions. To enhance debugging facilities RMSIM is equipped with a snapshotter to generate Latex pictures of any planar seqment of the simulated mesh in any step of program execution.


Related papers are [174, 176, 184, 186, 190, 191, 195].

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