Maximal contour algorithms on constrained reconfigurable meshes

190. M. Manzur Murshed and R. P. Brent, Maximal contour algorithms on constrained reconfigurable meshes, Proc. 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (Las Vegas, Nevada), CSREA Press, Vol. 4, 1999, 2238-2244.

Paper: pdf (110K), ps (98K).


The Reconfigurable Mesh (RM) has attracted criticism for its key assumption that a message can be broadcast in constant time independent of bus length. To account for this limit, Beresford-Smith et al have recently proposed the k-constrained RM model where buses of length at most k, a constant, are allowed to be formed. Straightforward simulations of optimal RM algorithms on this constrained RM model are found to be non-optimal.

This paper presents two optimal algorithms to compute the contour of maximal elements of a set of planar points on the k-constrained RM. The first algorithm solves this problem of size p in O(p/k) time on a k-constrained RM of size k×p, where k < p. The second algorithm solves the same problem of size n in O(q/k) time on a k-constrained RM of size p×q, where p < q, and pq = kn.


Related papers are [171, 174, 176, 184, 186, 191, 195].

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