1. J. H. Osborn,
The Hadamard Maximal Determinant Problem,
Honours Thesis, University of Melbourne 2002, 144 pp.
Pages 1-25,
The Hadamard maximal determinant problem
(maxdet problem for short) is: "given n, what is the
largest possible determinant of an n times n matrix
2. J. H. Osborn,
Combinatorics of Pavings and Paths,
PhD thesis, University of Melbourne, April 2007, xxvi+292 pp.
The principle theme of this thesis is the enumeration of directed lattice
paths. An ancillary theme is the development of a notion of pavings due to
Viennot. We then utilize pavings in the solution of path problems.
We build on Viennot's conception of "pavings" on a path graph, along with
"paving polynomials"; and Viennot's bijection between these pavings
and cycles on the digraphs associated with Ballot and Motzkin paths.
R. Brak, J. Essam, J. H. Osborn, A. L. Owczarek and A. Rechnitzer,
Lattice paths and the constant term,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.. 42 (2006), 47-58.
We firstly review the constant term method (CTM), illustrating its
combinatorial connections
and show how it can be used to solve a certain class of lattice path
problems. We show the connection
between the CTM, the transfer matrix method (eigenvectors and eigenvalues),
partial difference equations,
the Bethe Ansatz and orthogonal polynomials. Secondly, we solve a lattice
path problem first posed in
1971. The model stated in 1971 was only solved for a special case. We solve
the full model.
4. R. Brak and J. H. Osborn,
Chebyshev type lattice path weight polynomials by a constant term
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 44 (2009), 22 pp.
We prove a constant term theorem which is useful for finding weight
polynomials for Ballot/Motzkin paths in a strip with a fixed number of
arbitrary "decorated" weights as well as an arbitrary "background" weight.
Our CT theorem, like Viennot's lattice path theorem from which it is derived
primarily by a change of variable lemma, is expressed in terms of orthogonal
polynomials which in our applications of interest often turn out to be
nonclassical. Hence, we also present an efficient method for finding
explicit closedform polynomial expressions for these non-classical
orthogonal polynomials. Our method for finding the closed-form polynomial
expressions relies on simple combinatorial manipulations of Viennot's
diagrammatic representation for orthogonal polynomials. In the course of the
paper we also provide a new proof of Viennot's original orthogonal
polynomial lattice path theorem. The new proof is of interest because it
uses diagonalization of the transfer matrix, but gets around difficulties
that have arisen in past attempts to use this approach. In particular we
show how to sum over a set of implicitly defined zeros of a given orthogonal
polynomial, either by using properties of residues or by using partial
fractions. We conclude by applying the method to two lattice path problems
important in the study of polymer physics as the models of steric
stabilization and sensitized flocculation.
Book chapter in refereed book: `Academics on Zombies'. Editor
Robert Smith? (The question mark is part of the name and not a typo.)
We present a NetLogo model of an infestation of `Zombies' in a city environment. Our model offers hope to those who may have been dejected by previous mathematical modelling of zombie attack, which painted a bleak picture for the survival of humanity under most scenarios. We show that factors alluded to in a genre defining paper \cite{MHIS}, but not incorporated into their mathematical model, are of essential importance in survival scenarios for humans in the face of zombie infiltration - in particular humans' higher speed and capacity to gain in skill through experience. Thus in our model we observe the full triad of possibilities: zombie-win, human-win and stalemate. This demonstrates the usefulness of Agent Based Models to complement analytical approaches.
6. J. H. Osborn,
Bi-banded Dyck paths,
a bijection and the Narayana numbers,
Accepted for publication in the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 30 July 2010.
We find a new interpretation of Narayana numbers as coefficients
of weight polynomials enumerating bi-banded Dyck paths, which
class of paths has arisen naturally in a solution of the stationary state
of a stochastic process for traffic modeling called TASEP. Our proof of
the enumerative result is by means of a bijection between bi-banded
Dyck paths and corner-counting Dyck paths; thus adding one more to
the list of combinatorial families known to be counted by Narayana
We present an analysis of a partially directed walk model of a polymer which at one
end is tethered to a sticky surface and at the other end is subjected to a pulling force at
fixed angle away from the point of tethering. Using the kernel method, we derive the full
generating function for this model in two and three dimensions and obtain the respective
phase diagrams.
We observe adsorbed and desorbed phases with a thermodynamic phase transition in
between. In the absence of a pulling force this model has a second-order thermal desorption
transition which merely gets shifted by the presence of a lateral pulling force. On the other
hand, if the pulling force contains a non-zero vertical component this transition becomes
Strikingly, we find that if the angle between the pulling force and the surface is beneath
a critical value, a sufficiently strong force will induce polymer adsorption, no matter how
large the temperature of the system.
Our findings are similar in two and three dimensions, an additional feature in three
dimensions being the occurrence of a reentrance transition at constant pulling force for small
temperature, which has been observed previously for this model in the presence of pure
vertical pulling. Interestingly, the reentrance phenomenon vanishes under certain pulling
angles, with details depending on how the three-dimensional polymer is modeled.
9. R. P. Brent, W. H. Orrick, J. H. Osborn and
P. Zimmermann,
The maximal {-1,1}-determinant for matrices of orders
19 and 37,
in preparation.
5. Jennifer Badham and Judy-anne Osborn,
"Zombies in the City: a Netlogo Model".
7. J. Osborn and T. Prellberg,
Forcing Adsorption of a Tethered Polymer by Pulling,
Submitted for publication 20 July 2010.
In Preparation
8. R. P. Brent and J. H. Osborn,
Minors of maximal determinant matrices,
in preparation.