Workshop: Harmonic Analysis in Australia

Date: August 19-30, 2024

Organizers: Valeriia Starichkova and Po-Lam Yung

The workshop is a part of the Special Year in Harmonic Analysis at the Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University. Its goal is to bring together experts from all over the world to Canberra and discuss latest developments in harmonic analysis and related topics.

We are grateful to the generous sponsorship of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS), and the International Visitor Program funded by the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute (SMRI). We are also supported by the ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute, and the number theory group of the UNSW Canberra. We thank AMSI for publicizing our workshop at

Confirmed invited speakers include:

The titles, abstracts and schedule will be uploaded closer to the date.

Registration for the workshop will open shortly.